How Do I Log Into KAS Help Center?
Hello. This is Klaytn API Service team.
Please refer to the following information about the login procedure.
1. First of all, please access the main page of the KAS Help Center.
Then click on the ‘Sign in’ button on at the upper right hand corder.
2. If you already have a KAS Console account, you can log in directly with the same login information without creating a new one.
3. However, if you do not have a Console account yet, click on the “Sign up” link below and fill out the required fields.
Next, an authentication code will be sent out to the email you entered, so check your mailbox and proceed with the authentication process.
4. Once the authentication is complete, you will be redirected to the Console login page. However, logging into the page you are directed to will lead you to the Console Dashboard instead of the Help Center. Thus, please do so through the login button on the Help Center main page.
For any additional questions, you may select Inquiry Registration above the KAS Help Center page where you can register your inquiry.
Thank you.
Klaytn API Service team.