Klaytn API Service will change the policy of outstanding payment.
Hello. Thank you for using Klaytn API Service(KAS).
As of August 2023, Klaytn API Service's outstanding payment policy will be changed. Please check the details below.
August 1st, 2023
If the account does not pay until the 10th of each month, KAS manager informs the outstanding payment information and requests payment.
If the account does not pay by the 20th of each month, the KAS manager informs the status again.
If the account does not pay by the 25th of each month, API block is set (However, the current plan is maintained).
The unpaid account is suspended on the 25th of each month (The account is changed to free plan along with API block).
On the 25th of every month, KAS manager will send a notice email after it is suspended.
Permanent suspension until the outstanding payment is not paid
If you have any further questions regarding the change, please contact us through KAS Help Center.
Thank you.
Klaytn API Service team.