How Do I Set Up Authorization
Hello. This is Klaytn API Service team.
Please refer to the following information about how to set up Authorization.
KAS uses Basic HTTP Auth. All requests must have a correct Authorization header when making API calls.
1. Go to Console Login Page and login into Console.
2. Click Security and then click Credential.
3. Click + Create AccessKey.
4. Once your API Auth key is created, check your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Authorization.
Then click Download AccessKey. You’ll see a file called kas-credential-{access-key-id}.json, which shows
your API Auth Key. Your KAS Auth Key can be checked only once upon their creation. Therefore, it is
indeed necessary to copy or download your API Auth key in a safe place.
5. Authorization (e.g., Basic SOFTS1A2WkRasjh…) that can be checked after creating an API auth key is used for the header when making API calls. Put auth in your preferred programming tool you use and then enter the given authorization.
6. Lastly, enter x-chain-id in the call header and then put 1001 (Klaytn Testnet) or 8217 (Klaytn Mainet).
7. Now, you are ready to make API calls.
For any additional questions, you may also select Inquiry Registration above the KAS Help Center page
where you can register your inquiry.
Thank you.
Klaytn API Service team.