Is the Wallet Address Different for Mainnet and Testnet?
Hello. This is Klaytn API Service team.
Please refer to the following information about the difference of wallet addresses in Mainnet and Testnet.
Though the wallet address is set differently for mainnet and testnet, you may directly move your address through using Wallet API’s account/registration.
To do so, please refer to the documents linked down below and follow through the guidelines.
1. First, retrieve a list of accounts.
2. Then register your account with the account address and keyId you have retrieved above.
When calling the API, if the x-chain-id needs to be set to 1001, please do so as well for the keyId’s chain id.
For any additional questions, you may select Inquiry Registration above the KAS Help Center page where you can register your inquiry.
Thank you.
Klaytn API Service team.