How Do I Enroll Tokens on Klaytn Scope?
Hello. This is Klaytn API Service team.
Please refer to the following information about enrolling your tokens on Klaytn Scope.
To enroll a token on Klaytn Scope, the contract creator must fill out the Contract Submission Request form.
Take note of the specified contents required on the form organized by Token types below.
[KIP-7 Token Enrollment]
1. Contract Address: There are two paths to find out the contract address, which are checking directly through the console page or calling an API. Please refer to the below for a detailed walk-through.
(1) Console page
First, log into your console account. Then click on 'Service - KIP Series - KIP-7 - Contracts' in this order. Then click on the desired item on the contract list to find out a corresponding address.
(2) API Call
First, go to the KIP-7 API document. Click on 'Contract - Get Contract List' in respective order. Make an API call according to the instructions and check out the ‘address’ within your response from the API call.
2. Smart Contract Environment
- Compiler Type: Solidity
- Compiler version: 0.5.6+commit.b259423e
- Open Source License Type: MIT
3. Smart Contract Detail
- Optimization: No optimization option has been used.
- Source code: contracts/token/KIP7/KIP7Token.sol at master · klaytn/klaytn-contracts · GitHub
4. ABI-encoded Value: at dev · klaytn/caver-java · GitHub
5. EVM Version: (fill out the version you use)
[KIP-17 Token Enrollment]
1. Contract Address: There are two paths to find out the contract address, which are checking directly through the console page or calling an API. Please refer to the below for a detailed walk-through.
(1) Console page
First, log into your console account. Click on 'Service - KIP Series - KIP-17 - Contracts' in this order. Then click on the desired item on the contract list to find out a corresponding address.
(2) API Call
First, go to the KIP-17 API document. Then click on 'Contract - Get Contract List' in respective order. Make an API call according to the instructions and check out the ‘address’ within your response from the API call.
2. Smart Contract Environment
- Compiler Type: Solidity
- Compiler version: 0.5.6+commit.b259423e
- Open Source License Type: MIT
3. Smart Contract Detail
- Optimization: No optimization option has been used.
- Source code: contracts/token/KIP17/IKIP17.sol at master · klaytn/klaytn-contracts · GitHub
4. ABI-encoded Value: at dev · klaytn/caver-java · GitHub
5. EVM Version: (fill out the version you use)
Items marked with an asterisk(*) on Google Form are mandatory.
After filling out the mandatory fields, selectively fill out the rest then click on submit.
For any additional questions, you may select Inquiry Registration above the KAS Help Center page where you can register your inquiry.
Thank you.
Klaytn API Service team.