How Do I Mint KIP-7 Tokens?
Hello. This is Klaytn API Service team.
Please refer to the following information about minting KIP-7 tokens.
1. To make API calls, set basic Authorization in your preferred tool. Login by using Access Key ID(Username) and Secret Access key (Password) that you were given during your Credential process on the Console website.
(Please refer to the Authorization Setup guidelines page about how to create a KAS API Authorization key.)
2. Before minting KIP-7 tokens, it is required to deploy a KIP- 7 contract, which is a prerequisite for minting tokens. For detailed instructions, please refer to the instructions for deploying a KIP-7 contract in the Console and deploying it through a KIP-7 API.
3. After completing the prerequisites, go to KIP-7 API Docs. Click KIP-7 and click Mint KIP-7 tokens.
4. Then, you’ll see that contracts address or contract alias and x-chain-id are required to mint tokens.
X-chain-id is already given. Therefore, you’ll just need to find a contract address or alias.
5. Go to Console Login and Login into Console. Then click Service, KIP-7 and Contracts in sequence.
You'll see your contract alias and contract address when you click a contract in the list.
6. Copy the URL next to POST in the document and continue forward to put it in your tool.
7. Delete the curly brackets in the URL and put the contract address or contract alias in the deleted part.
Also, put x-chain-id (1001 or 8217) in Header parameters.
8. In your tool, type your default contract deployer account, the Klaytn account address to receive the newly created token, and the amount of tokens to create (in hexadecimal) in JSON format.
9. Please refer to the sample API responses when KIP-7 tokens are minted successfully.
10. After making an API call, you’ll see that your KIP-7 tokens are minted.
For any additional questions, you may select Inquiry Registration above the KAS Help Center where you can register your inquiry.
Thank you.
Klaytn API Service team.